Vaultek Lifepod




Water Resistance


Impact Resistance


Cool Factor



  • Portable
  • Water Resistant
  • TSA Approved
  • Tether Lanyard Included
  • TSA Approved


  • None, It's Perfect!

Every few months it seems as if Vaultek comes out with a new security product that is even more innovative than the last. First it was their smart safes with integrated Bluetooth functionality, then came WiFi enabled models, bigger sizes, a full size rifle cabinet, the kick-ass slider safe and now the LifePod. Honestly it looks like something that came out of Apple and the marketing promotions around it have me feeling like these guys worked for Apple before. Well Thank God, because finally someone is bringing some creativity to an industry that hasn’t changed much since the 1930’s. 

Now onto the product, I can already think of so many different applications for the lifepod it’s ridiculous. But first, here are 5 things that I love about it:


  1. It’s waterproof / water resistant. Vaultek uses a rubber gasket seal on the inside of the case with two compression latches that act as a clamp on the sides preventing any water from getting in making this perfect for kayaking, paddle boarding or any other water sports where you wouldn’t want to get things like your ID, passport, phone and cash wet. Often when I’m traveling to other countries like Thailand or Belize, half the reason I’m going is to enjoy the water activities and typically they require a form of identification to rent anything with a motor. My biggest concern is always that I’m going to lose or damage my phone and passport. Imagine cruising on a jet ski and your passport flies out of your pants and into the Caribbean. BAM, whole trip ruined. Well not anymore, just lock it in your LifePod, tether it to the jet ski and voila, you’re good to go!
  2. It has a battery operated electronic lock… that is also water resistant! This feature is just so cool, typically your stuck dealing with a key or a tumbler lock which has zero water resistance. The LifePod’s electronic locking system is just bitchen and I love the idea that my security case actually has some security. I’m sure with enough time someone could break into it by force fairly easily but if I have this tethered to a pole while I’m out surfing, at least I’m giving myself a fighting chance. The average burglar just wants to smash and grab so if I can add an extra layer there, I’m happy. 
  3. It’s TSA Approved and can fit a handgun. Most TSA approved safes are way too bulky or way too cheap. The LifePod is that perfect size right in the middle, light enough to travel but secure enough to be taken seriously and in my humble opinion, I really don’t think anyone would think this is a handgun safe. In fact, at first glance, I would think it’s a tablet or some new Apple product. 
  4. It may be 2 lbs but it’s TOUGH. The case itself is made from a strong proprietary polymer which allows it to stay light but still has an extremely high impact resistance. 
  5. The Key Lock can be Disabled. The biggest issue most people have with key override locks is how easy they are to pick. Instead of just telling everyone to go F*** themselves and deal with it, Vaultek ingeniously added an ability to disable the key locking portion of the safe so that only the electronics need to be used. But what if the battery dies you ask? They even added a micro usb slot to provide power to the electronics in the event the battery dies which on average lasts up to 1 year. Genius.  

For what it is, the Vaultek LifePod is by far the best travel security case I’ve seen yet. It’s several innovative features, awesome design and lightweight construction make this a 5 star product in my book and at only $99, this would be the perfect present for a college student, traveler or handgun owner. Great Job Vaultek, you killed it. 

Check out the LifePod here: 

Vaultek Lifepod 2