Stealth Safes has been making premium quality gun safes and home safes for nearly a decade now. They are one of the fastest growing companies and have the best paint job in the industry. They are a very customer centric company and make products that people actually want. In these Stealth handgun safe reviews, I will explain how they made the absolute best handgun safe in the industry.
Lock – Stealth Handgun Safe Reviews
Stealth ShadowVault Lock
First and always most important is the lock. For the ShadowVault, Stealth used the S&G Spartan UL Approved High Security Electronic Lock with the deadbolt locking mechanism. This is by far one of the highest quality and most reliable electronic locks in the safe industry.
In a handgun safe, there isn’t room for thick steel locking bolts and Stealth decided to use the deadbolt from the lock mechanism to be the primary bolt. The deadbolt in the S&G Spartan is hardened steel and retracts by turning the shell on the keypad itself. This satisfies the space issue without sacrificing security. Finally, this lock has a silent mode, 6-digit code, red LED light and 15 minute lockout after four wrong attempts.

Stealth then took the S&G lock body and encased it in a steel housing to prevent punch attacks. They also added a hard plate above the lock that destroys drill bits. On the deadbolt side, it extends into another steel housing that protects against drilling from the side. Next, there is another hardplate to protect from drilling in the front. This pistol safe is an absolute tank.

Stealth Handgun Hanger Safe lock
The Stealth Handgun Hanger Safes uses a four push button electronic lock with six digit combination. The locking mechanism is the standard hook and latch system found on nearly every imported handgun safe in the industry. Next, they include a biometric fingeprint scanner on the biometric version capable of storing 31 different fingerprints. This scanner is not as good as the FBI certified scanner used on the Verifi handgun safes but also significantly less expensive. Overall, this lock is good for the price point and relative to the competition.

Key Override
One of the best features of the handgun hanger safes is the key override. Finally, a company with some common sense that doesn’t use the standard tubular override key. Instead, they use a high security, laser cut override key. These keyways are endorsed by pro lock pickers like Bosnian Bill, Handgun Safe Research and Lock Picking Lawyer. It’s a significantly better design and so much more secure.

Security – Stealth Handgun Safe Reviews
The steel used on the Stealth handgun safes is up to 10 gauge on the body and up to 3/8″ on the door. This is modeled after the Fort Knox and American Security handgun safes. This is significantly thicker than nearly every handgun safe in existence. For reference, most handgun safes are built with 16 gauge to 20 gauge steel with 16 gauge being the same thickness as a penny.

Style and Function
Next, the Stealth handgun safes are more than just security, they’re also style. The ShadowVault uses the exact same paint they use on all of the full size safes in their lineup which is this extremely durable and very attractive crinkled matte black style. In person, this finish is unmatched, prevents scratches and makes it the perfect portable safe.
Because the door is heavy, Stealth includes a gas strut piston that assists the door opening and holds it open until ready to be closed. Finally, the interior features a foam padding along the top of the safe, egg crate foam at the very bottom and pluck foam in the middle allowing full customization to the exact size of your handgun and preventing any scratches or damage to the finish.

The Bottom Line
Stealth really went through every single weakness and complaint from every other pistol safe available and developed the perfect handgun safe solution. It even has the coolest name of any handgun safe I’ve ever heard of, the ShadowVault. All things considered, I highly recommend these safes and the ShadowVault is my absolute top pick for any handgun safe.