Is a Gun Safe Good in a Garage is one of the top asked questions on Google and I’m here to help you understand why a gun safe is great in the garage and some extra steps you can take to make sure it is hidden and protected. When I think of a safe, I would want it as hidden and discreet as possible but in the last 20 years, manufacturers like Liberty, American Security and Fort Knox have turned gun safes into a furniture piece and advertise it in the bedroom, living room or other commonly traveled area inside the home. They make them in beautiful high gloss colors similar to a car which definitely look great, but also pop out and tell a burglar, hey all my most important possessions are right here! Another misconception is that you need your gun safe close to your bed just in case you hear a sound in the middle of the night and need to grab your gun. In reality, you would only need one gun for this purpose and not the entire arsenal inside your gun safe which means you would ideally have a nightstand handgun safe or under the bed rifle safe in addition to your full size gun safe. So with that said, let’s discuss all the advantages of having a gun safe in the garage is a good idea.


Rolling a gun safe up your driveway and into the garage is significantly easier and so much cheaper than paying an installer to go up steps, through the front door, down the hall, into a tight corner and ultimately into the room of choice. The cost is typically double to triple that of a standard garage install and also creates the potential for damage inside your home. Gun Safes can weigh thousands of pounds and when twisting and turning through tight spaces, this significantly increases the potential of a scratched floor, damaged wall, broken door frame and don’t even get me started on stairs. Common thought might think that the further into the home the safe is, the more difficult it is to remove but this is totally dependent on whether or not you bolt the safe down. It is CRITICALLY important to bolt a safe down to a concrete surface and typical homes have wood floors and a concrete garage. The concrete in the garage will provide significantly more protection and strength when the gun safe is bolted down. This makes sure that the burglar has to attempt to open it on site and can’t just slide it out of the home and into their vehicle to open it on their own time.

Visual Appeal

As I stated above, my personal preference when it comes to gun safes is as hidden as possible. I’m not a fan of the super high gloss and shiny gun safes that stick out and tell everyone where my valuables are. I prefer black on black on black and make it as discreet as possible. This is not something I want to show off but keep as hidden as possible. Is a gun safe good in a garage? Absolutely and it actually tends to blend in with the items around it like tool sheds, fridges and other large appliances. There are also covers that you can purchase from Liberty or American Security that disguise the gun safe. A common fear is that people passing by the home will be able to see the gun safe in the garage when the garage door is open but by disguising it with a safe cloak, it can look like a wooden cabinet or just a large appliance in storage. Click the links here to see the safe cloak options from Liberty and American Security:

  1. American Security Safe Cloaks
  2. Liberty Safe Cloaks

Ease of Access

Is a Gun Safe Good in a Garage is best answered depending on the use case of your gun safe. If we were talking about a jewelry safe I might suggest keeping one in the closet of your master bedroom but simply for guns, the best place truly is the garage. Gun access is typically needed when you are either headed to the range or working on your guns. In both of these situations the closest place to your car or workshop is likely in the garage itself. This makes the ideal place for your gun safe, in the garage.

The Bottom Line

When properly bolted down to the concrete, the garage is by far the best place for a gun safe. Combine it with a quality safe cover from American Security or Liberty and you have a hidden and discreet gun safe yet easily accessible when you need it most. I’ve pasted a super helpful video on how to bolt down a gun safe below and if you have additional questions or concerns please let me know by clicking the link below and I hope this helps answer your question: Is a Gun Safe Good in a Garage?